Over the past 12 weeks I have run 630km in training for the Trailwalker 100km event which is on tomorrow. Going from zero base fitness it was quick catch up and I have almost managed it and avoided injury until the last 4 weeks. The same problem I had in the lead up to the Paris Marathon, all is going well and then all of a sudden the left glute/hamstring starts to tighten. It hurts to walk, lift a leg or sit. Terrible numbness and tingling down the left leg. Osteopath and massage therapy release the worst of the symptoms but the only thing I can do is rest and not run. Luckily this has coincided with the taper. This time after the race is over I will definitely have it resolved.
I know I have had some fantastic runs in training with a great team. We have so many memorable sights that will last with us long after the pain of the training is forgotten: early morning mist over Apple Tree Bay, night running in the 'wild scrub' of St Ives, an owl sitting on the fence at Chinamens Beach. We seemed to have the nack of just missing the rain after each of our night training runs. And we have discovered how great coffee and muffin and can taste after 10 hours of running.
I feel as ready as I can be – not sure what is ahead.