Friday, January 1, 2010


Friday January 1, 2010 (Easy - 16km)
Dreaming...not of a white Christmas but for the past week I have been dreaming that I am back to running; feeling fit, free and easy and no pain. The dream is so real I can feel the fluid movement no gasping for air, no tension anywhere in the body – it was beautiful; such a shame to wake up. Last few times I have tried to run have ended in tears - of despair. I have almost been a little hesitant to go out again just in case the hammies were wooden and the tendon painful. I have been doing my strengthening exercises religiouslyand the tendon feels fine now. So today The Hammer and I headed out at 5.30 am to run the Fat Ass - Beyond the Black Stump from Berowra to Calabash Bay and back. I did the short option, which ended up being 16km, and The Hammer ran the full 30km. The cloud cover kept the blue moon hidden which is a shame since I was hoping to start my own road to recovery under a blue moon.
It was humid and very still until we hit the bush – the sound of the cicadas was enough to drill my eardrums. As it got light a beautiful grey mist can be seen hanging over Berowra Creek – it was magical and very serene. In no time we seem to reach the ferry and The Hammer paired up with another runner who started ahead of us. After touching the barrier I headed through the car park and then up and out of Berowra Waters. I had forgotten how steep this section of the trail is – my heart was in my throat and the din of cicadas in my ears was replaced by the pounding of my heart. The ascent was followed by a steep decent to a small creek then another sharp climb to a plateau and then flat all the way back to the car. I ran the flat section to finish in 2:40, just as the light drizzle of rain started. The time won't set the world on fire but it will do me just fine. Delighted with how good I felt throughout.