Sunday, June 22, 2014

Grandmas Marathon 2014, Duluth, Minnesota

Grandmas Marathon June 21, 2014

SOOOOOO comeback road marathon  done and dusted - Grandmas Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota. Very very happy with how I ran and my overall time of 4.07 with a 3 minute negative split. In all the marathons I have done this is the one with the least volume of training and the least confidence in my body.  It is a pleasant change to run  a race where you are constantly holding back to stay on pace rather then burning through at an unsustainable pace and then limping home.

My 5km splits 29.31, 29.22, 29.33, 29.21,29.32,29.18,28.52, 27,42,(10.47+a bit) . My quickest 5km split was 35-40km - who would have thunk. A negative split  for the marathon  by 3min...woo hoooo. I had the usual  pain in the left upper hamstring and the right Achilles plus the front of my lower right shin felt like a dull bone ache towards the end. But none of these signals got any worse as the run  progressed. so I just kept on going They were just there. I finished feeling strong and full of beans. That bloody diet is amazing. At not point did I feel energy lags or down times. Just even - I took a gel at 10, 20 and 30 - I saved the Gu Roctane for 30 and kept saying to myself wait till 30 when you get rocket fuel and so it was I just felt amazingly strong.  Goes to show that carbs as fuel are overrated - last nights dinner was chicken breast grilled with Parmesan cheese and three slices of kumera, cabbage salad with avocado and olive oil dressing. Breakfast on race day was 2 cups of coffee with milk,  a small yoghurt and banana.  I got up at 4am for breakfast and then transport to the start line at 5.45 -  the race did not start till 7.45. Spent about 1.5 hours standing around in light drizzle with fog shrouding much of the surrounding view. It was cold but not as cold as Boston in 2007 where I shivered uncontrollably for hours until the race started.

The overcast foggy weather certainly helped. While it did obscure the view it also meant I could not see too far in the distance. I just observed runners around me and took in what I could see of the view. It struck me that a lot of runners in this race are religious, if their T-shirts are anything to go by. I think I could have read the whole of Scriptures just from back of peoples T-shirts. Nothing wrong with that, we all need something to believe in. The other observation is the respect for the military - who were providing First Aid - people called out to them as we passed - to thank them for their service to the country.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Bring on Grandma

June 15, 2014 (Race week - Grandmas)

A week of travel through New York and Chicago before race day on Saturday. June 21. Flu has worsened while in New York but by the time I arrived in Duluth on Thursday it has almost cleared.

While I have not been for a run since last week I have done plenty of walking and I feel strong. Not too worried about not getting out for a run. What is of concern is that two nights before race day I have developed really painful spontaneous cramping through the night which was common during the worst of the disease flaring. It has left me with painful calves  and arms - a day before the race.  Will massage and go out for a light jog at lunchtime Friday.

Race day is predicted to be cold (7-12 C) and raining. Can't wait to start and see what happens when the pain and suffering begins.

Countdown to Grandmas

June 9, 2014 (1 week to Grandmas)
For a whole lot of reasons managed only one run  in the second last week before race day.  A short interval session on Tuesday. I  was intending to run again before I leave on Friday but have started to develop a flu with scratchy throat and fever.  Thought it better to give the body a chance to recover - hopefully quicker.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Frosty Morning

Monday June 8, 2014 (2 weeks to Grandmas)
A week of way too many commitments and bad weather meant that sadly running did not come first. Managed to get out three times:  a hill session  on Tuesday, a 2*2km  interval session on Saturday and a long run on Sunday.

Spent a weekend in Canberra over the  Queens birthday holiday  staying at Redbrow B&B on Ninimia Rd, Murrumbateman. We were fortunate with the weather, clear star-filled skies at night and sunny in the daytime.

The long and undulating road  on the way to our accommodation was perfect training for Grandmas. Setting off with Hammer on Sunday morning, the countryside was quite and  peaceful, there was frost on the ground and a cool breeze was blowing from the south. We ran past paddocks where black Angus cows  stopped to stare as we passed, lots of kangaroos on various farms.

Hammer was struggling from about 20 km so we cut the run short. Just as well as I was getting a little bit concerned about unusual tightness in my left hip - very similar to pain of stress fracture. Better to be safe.We turned around near a horse ranch with a beautifully designed garden filled with huge bronze statues.

On the run we discussed strategy for Grandmas. My goal is to finish and depending on how things go, it would be fabulous to get a Six Foot qualifier for next year, just in case.  So secondary goal is to run under 4hrs20min. I had planned on starting out at 6.10 min/km pace and seeing how I felt at 30 km, but Hammer convinced me that 6min/km is possible and would give me a little buffer for a qualifying time.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hello Grandma

Monday June 2, 2014 ( 3 weeks to Grandmas)

An insane week that has too much happening for my sugar deprived brain to handle. From calm seas to turbulence in all areas of my life except running.  Running happy has not been an outcome but running nevertheless. Running towards what until this week seemed like a lofty, overreaching goal. I knew for me to be confident in my ability I had to run a few strong, long runs on the road.

This week I can tick that off, Sunday I completed 30km in 3:18 over a tough hilly course.  Very pleased with how I felt during and after. Think I am also getting the energy supplement strategy for the race sorted and may try that on my last long run before I leave next week. One confidence boosting long road run and I think I can do it to get accommodation is my next challenge.

On Saturday I raced the NSW Athletics Cross Country 4*4km relays - ran the first 2km strongly then got a stitch and limped home for a slowish finishing time. Always surprises me how these short events can be so hard.

Thursday I got out  for a 2*5min intervals with 8*30sec hard hill sprints.  Should be adding to leg strength.
Wednesday - only managed 10km in the morning before the IVIG infusion.
Tuesday - Intervals at North Head followed by a fasting blood test.