Thursday, April 23, 2015

Boston Marathon

Monday April 20, 2015 - Race Day

Race day had finally arrived and I was feeling a lot more more nervous about running than I would normally feel before a marathon.  In addition to a head cold which was slowly getting worse as race day approached,  I almost  had a medical emergency the day after I arrived in Boston. I was on the train heading out to Concord, I was looking at the paddlers out on Charles River when all of a sudden  I  lost vision in both eyes. I was unable to focus my eyes, everything was blurry, left and right fields of view overlapped and spun around like a kaleidoscope.   I thought I may be suffering a stroke. I was aware that I was thinking clearly  and with eyes still closed I wriggled my feet, moved my arms...all OK, so probably not a stroke.  Each time I dared to opened my eyes, it was apparent that whatever it was,  was passing... My vision was slowly coming back into focus and eventually it passed completely.

Later I reflected on how frightening this was, I was on my own, heading to a small town where I knew nobody and shit happens. I would really be relying on the kindness of strangers to get help. It has made me look at people around me wherever I am, with a whole new perspective. I still don't know what caused this but Dr Google suggests a transient migraine.  I won't know until I've seen a doctor back home.  I was frightened by this and for a little while I considered maybe not running on Monday.  But I figured if anything happens, the Boston Marathon course is the best place for it to happen, as help would be close by.

So I made a decision to put this in the back of my mind. And then the next day, Thursday I wake up with a head cold, razor blade throat and stuffy nose...Maybe Boston Marathon was just not meant to be this year. I nervously waited for race day to roll around, hoping that the the cold would not reach my chest before Marathon Monday.

There was also the lack of confidence that I was fit enough to actually do this. The common advice at time like this is to trust in the training. But what training?  I ran less than 550km in 12 weeks since my foot stress fracture in December.  I realised that having committed to Coastrek and Six Foot Track Marathon in early March has meant that I could not get the confidence building, solid long road runs done, when I should have been in peak marathon training. While I enjoyed both events enormously, I regretted doing them now, as I knew that Boston was my  main focus.

Added to my physical health and preparedness worries, the weather for race day was predicted to be rainy, cold and a strong easterly wind...which meant that we would be running into the wind the whole way and that it would be getting stronger as we approached the city. Oh joy! Almost a repeat of my last race here in 2007, when the race was almost cancelled for the first time in its' 119 year history.

I was being hosted by the Sydney Striders sister club in Boston. Being with them has really added to my experience. It was great not to have to spend hours sheltering from the rain and freezing wind in the athletes village on race day. I was toasty and warm in a club members house until 45 minutes to my start. I literally got off the bus, walked towards the athletes village, found a shelter and stood under it for about 10 minutes and it was time to line up in the corrals. I was starting in Wave 4 at 11:15am.

I was in the corral for about 15 minutes before the starters gun was fired.  A steady rain was falling, it was cold but the sound system was blasting out a Sheryl Crow song "Soaking up the sun". Someone had a wicked sense of humour.  The gun went off and runners around me started tearing away. Its down hill for about 6km, I knew I did not want to get carried away here. I was warned.... if you think you are doing about the right pace here then slow are going too fast.

So this is how my race unfolded... as soon as I started running messages started arriving at race central.....what? you want to run...but you have a cold, are you serious? You shouldn't be doing this! I tuned that voice down a little when another message popped up...right ankle here ...remember me.. Never did get fully sorted out, feeling stiff and creaky. Then left foot sent a message ...nerves are pinching between the toes...what the?...where did this come from?  Thankfully the left hip and hamstring were sweet, the physio saw to that. I acknowledged all these messages while looking around at the lovely Hopkinton woods we were running through. Wonderful to see so many people out shouting and cheering in the rain. I checked my watch..... oops..... too fast, slow down. I had intended to stay on 5.45min/k pace all the way and then whatever it took for the hills.  Before the course started to flatten I noticed a tight pain in my chest.... gees that can't be good. Dr Google warned about this if running with a cold. So I slowed down and my whole race became about slowing down to manage my heart-rate and hopefully staying out of the medical tent.. My heart-rate was spiking with any slightest undulation in the course and I had not even reached the 10k mark.  I had to stop myself from thinking too far ahead knowing that the hilliest part of the course is around 30k..So instead of projecting too far ahead I decided to pull myself right back into the present and get out of focusing on what was not working right - I was still running. I read a slogan a few days ago..It is about the finish line, not the finish time.  I was going to enjoy the present moment,  as long as it lasts.

Every time I passed an aid station the wonderful volunteers were smiling and shouting words of encouragement.  They were standing in this horrible wind and driving rain...what right do I have to feel miserable about my physical well being, when I am doing what I love and being enabled and cheered by all these people? From then on I made sure I smiled at as many people as I could make eye contact with, thanked the hundreds of volunteers, high fived the kids, doffed my cap to police officers and tried not to cry when I thought about the evil deed that was carried out here two years ago.   And so the race unfolded with 5k timing mats appearing before I knew it. I deliberately did not look at my race time, just heart-rate and pace.

The rain and the wind did not let up. By the time I made it to Newton Fire station,  the first right turn in the race and the start of the hills, my legs were so stiff. The first hill was a killer, it felt never ending. I have little memory of the Newton hills from my previous time here in 2007, except that I reached the top of Heartbreak Hill before I even knew I was on the hills. This time I felt every step.  I put my head down and slogged away, knowing that all I had to do was keep moving, it would eventually end. And so it was...the runner next to me patted me on the back and said 'You made it'!  Woo hooo....celebrations. Just another 10k and I am done.

After Hearbreak Hill my legs were toast... did not really feel like co-operating. I felt like I was standing watch claimed I was running at 5.30m/k but that could not have been right. The crowds along the last 10k section were enormous, everyone was screaming out and if you acknowledge them they went wild. I was getting so emotional and teary, not the first time it had happened along the course. And it was fun  - even if my body did not think so. Two more turns, a right into Hereford Street and a left onto Boylston Street for the final run to the finish line. I so wanted to finish and stop running so the pain would end but at the same time I wanted time to slow down so I could savour the experience. And it does seem like you run on Boylston Street for a long time without the finish line getting any closer.  Eventually it draws near and you know you will cross it soon. Images of my mother dying while I held her hand  were racing through my mind as I crossed the finish line. She died only nine months ago and I miss her more than anything.  I had lit a candle for her a day before the marathon at the church just by the finish-line.  I burst into tears of sadness, joy, relief and happiness all mixed up. With my face in my hands, I was sobbing so much  I had trouble breathing,  I was gasping for air. Medical help came almost immediately... I managed to collect myself, draw breath and start moving to collect my medal.

If I had I finish line photo, this is what it would look like.
Mentally and physically this was the toughest race I have ever done.  I had to draw on reserves I did not know I had, in order to overcome the mental chatter, the pain and the discomfort I felt almost from the start.  It's not how I imagined this race would  pan out for me when I entered way back in September last year, but it is - what it is. I did the best I could on the day and surprised myself. I personal best in so many race time of 4:07:55 placing 20,193/26,610 and 274/606 female in my age group.  My finishing place was 4,800 spots ahead of my qualifying ranking. So you might say I had a good run.

All images from the race are Getty Images/Boston Globe

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Week 12: Monday April 14, 2015 - One week to Boston (0 km

I have a week in Boston before the race. I hope to get out for a few little runs as I've only had 12 weeks of running preparation since coming back from the foot stress fracture.  Not a huge volume of training in terms of mileage. I have focused more on interval training with longer slow run/walks in preparation for Coastrek and the Six Foot Track earlier  in March. Will see what happens come Monday.  

I arrived in Boston on Tuesday night and on Wednesday I spent the day out at Concord walking in the woods surrounding Walden Pond where David Thoreau wrote his famous work "Walden_A Life in the Woods".The next morning, Thursday I woke up with a raging sore throat and blocked nose.  Don't panic I thought, its only Thursday, plenty of time to get over it.   As it was,  the  cold did get worse. On Friday night the bones in my head hurt so much I had to take painkillers in the middle of the night.  Thoughts of.... it will be impossible to run on Monday with this cold.... were churning in my head, along with the pain. I tried not to dwell too much on that, just one day at a time. Got some anti-inflammatory medication to try and reduce the pressure off my sinuses. This seem to settle it during the daytime.

Googling symptoms seem to suggest that it was OK to run with a cold,  if it is not in your  chest. That was enough for me. Now if only race day could arrive before the cold makes it south to my lungs.  Less than ideal but what can I do?

In total,  a zero running week with a fair bit of walking around town.  By race registration I really did feel like an imposter. I have hardly run at all in the last two weeks and here I am about to run a marathon with a head cold. So in effect my total training for this marathon has been about 10 weeks. Not really enough to fill you with confidence.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter Bunny Shot Through

Week 11: Monday April 6, 2015 - Two weeks to Boston (10 km)

Anxiety is at an all time high this week. Have not run much at all as I feel that a flu is developing. I have a virus sore starting on my lip. This only happens when my body is stressed.  I ran a local 10k on Wednesday and saw the physio afterwards for a final tune up.  The run was OK, an easy run with a 3km time trial at 80% in the middle.  Happy with the pace. 

The rest of the week was spent indulging a wee bit too much, in all the wrong kinds of food, while supporting Hammer in a race in Bright, Victoria.  Beautiful autumn weather with a bright sunny day on Friday and a bit cooler for the 75km event on Saturday.

Love that feeling of being around runners when the race is done and the celebrations or commiserations can commence.  My test is just around the corner.  At the moment I am feeling wobbly and bloated but maybe by the time I arrive in Boston,  my running body will be back.  Hope these images which I took early in the 75km Sky run event, will inspire me to fight-on. 

Buckland Valley, on the way to Mt Buffalo.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Taper...Time to Panic

Week 10: Monday March 30, 2015 - Three weeks to Boston (58 km)

Monday - hill repeats & gym, a total of 4km with 15 short and fast hill repeats. Another gloriously warm morning and a chance to run in bare feet on dewy grass. It really is the most beautiful feeling. I wish I could do all  my runs with such joy and freedom.

Tuesday - rest, my old friend has returned,  left hip and hamstring insertion pain. Damn I have not had any problems with it for some time.  Lots of stretching and foam rolling to release back tension. Made an appointment to see the physio for a  tune-up.

Wednesday - mid pace run. A terrific thunderstorm was raging when I woke up. So I waited for the worst of the storm to pass before I set off for what should have been a 90 minute pace run. After about 20 minutes, the hamstring pain was so acute I decided to turn around and head back. A disappointing run - a total of 7km at a slower then marathon pace. My back just feels like it is completely out of whack. 

Thursday - physio. I was scheduled to run   2*2km intervals today but  ended up visiting the physio instead. So pleased I did. An hour later I was moving freely and with advice on how to reduce the muscle tightening. Also got to visit my favourite cafe...a win win..

Friday - social run on Good Friday. Having missed the scheduled interval session yesterday I thought I would squeeze it in before an easy social trail run in the morning.  I set off in an unfamiliar street, in the dark with  light drizzle falling.  Undulating terrain and very dark streets spooked me a little and I ended getting lost and  running at a slightly quicker pace just to get back in time to meet the rest of the group. So the intervals were kind of not done. Met the rest of the group and we headed off along Perimeter Track then onto Long Track in Kurringai National Park. Great to run with friends and chat while the kilometres ticked over.  We ran to the lookout over Cowan Creek before turning around. The return lap ended up being a fair bit quicker for me as I was running with a much faster runner. All good I thought, a kind of mid-long threshold run on return. 

Ended up being a very tough morning workout for me. Running on no breakfast beforehand and no water during the run - finished completely dehydrated.  A total of 22km, at a quicker pace than I was planning on running this morning. The trail was great for a group run and the lookout over the creek was quite nice. I wish I had brought a camera.  A great catchup afterwards over some hot-cross buns while a light drizzle continued to fall. Great start to the Easter holidays. On reflection, it is nice nice to be tested - to step outside our routine. So a change of pace, unanticipated distance and no fuel beforehand were all challenging in different ways.  (Photo Credit: Friends) 

Saturday - race 10km, woke up to heavy rain and strong winds. It was dark, the last morning of daylight saving, not very inviting conditions in which to head out to Lane Cove to race in the Sydney Striders 10k.  I knew I had to run, as I wanted to have a gauge of my current fitness to use to set my marathon race pace.  Hammer agreed to come with me. We arrived at Lane Cove, pouring rain with runners sheltering under the few picnic shelters. It was a relief top find that at least the air temperature was pleasant. As Ii did not have breakfast before the race - I ate a Gu Chump in the car on the way there. This I realised later was a big mistake. A 10 minute warm-up, a quick stretch under a picnic shelter and we were off. It did not take a long for me to realise that it was going to get quite ugly.  I was off my planned pace before the first kilometre ticked over and I knew I just could not go any harder. My stomach was revolting and I wanted to throw up. Thoughts of stopping, or ducking off into the  into  bushes kept me occupied until the turnaround at the  Rangers Hut.  At this point my legs were so heavy I felt like I could barely lift them. Had a stop for a drink and huge burp  - this flipped a switch and  I was back in the race. Focused on holding form till I crossed the finish line in 51.52.  A bit disappointed with my time but happy to have had a strong second half where I felt like I was actually running at my planned race pace. (Photo Credit: Surf 2 Summit Photography)

Sunday - LSD at Sydney Striders Roseville Ripsnorter. Daylight saving has ended, it was going to be a sparkling Easter Sunday and somewhat optimistically I headed out for a 20km run hoping to cram some more kilometres in before I fly out.   The course has been revised and is all on road. A challenging course which starts with a short hill, then a bigger and longer hill, then a bit of downhill then more uphill, a bit more downhill and then more uphill. I  stayed with the group till the first short-cut,  my glutes and hammy were revolting - and I ended up cutting it short to head back to the start along Warringah Rd. A total of 15km, not sure what it achieved in terms of training benefit. But so happy to be out and moving on such a beautiful sparkling Sunday.  And got to have plunger coffee with hot cross buns at the end.