Horrible headcold with migraine like headache kept me in bed most of Monday and feeling a bit fragile on Tuesday. The Kepler Challenge race is on next Saturday, 4th December and I am supposed to be tapering anyhow. But I sense a rising panic about raceday approaching. By Wednesday I got out for a shortish 7km trail run. And on Thursday I did a steady 10km on the roads around Palm Beach, just for a change of scenery.
By Friday I had recovered enough to run hill repeats, completing 3 by 1km at less than 80% heart rate. Very pleased with the effort. On Saturday I ran 21km on trails around Lane Cove River with the pack I plan to use for Kepler, a Solomon XA20. Including 2 L of water and all the safety gear it weighed nearly 3.5kg. The pack was comfortable but I am pleased I will not need to carry so much water on race day. Blue sky and a glorious pink sunrise for the last run on the week, a steady 8km on the roads around Wahroonga on Sunday.