Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Around Blues

Sunday March 27, 2011 (65 km - 8 weeks to  TNF)
Two weeks after Six Foot Track and my mood matches the weather. Overcast grey skies and torrential rain reflects my overall blues and lack of motivation about the upcoming run. It is making me question if I am really committed to the goal of running The North Face 100k in 8 weeks time.
I read somewhere that each training session contributes 1% to your overall fitness. So in the interest of maintaining and not loosing the fitness I have achieved to date I still managed to get out for a few runs this week. I ran on Tuesday (10k -tempo), Wednesday (9k-hills), Thursday (7k -intervals) and 14ks on the trails around Lindfield on Saturday and 25k on the great North Walk STaR run on Sunday. A weeks total of 65ks and the pace feels like it is coming back as the tiredness leaves my legs. But I just don't feel excited by the upcoming event. Each sunrise that I witness, I am hoping that the blues will lift with the return of  sunny skies. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Grey Skies Descend

Sunday March 20, 2011 (Recovery Week)
Calves felt battered after Saturdays race but surprisingly it hurts to walk but not to run.  Hammer & I had a leisurely breakfast at Leura on Sunday after the race, then browsed the local stores before heading home to beat the weekend traffic into town.
Light massage on Monday, rest day Tuesday and I got out for an easy hour run on the streets of St Ives on Wednesday,  an hour long beachside run on Friday and on Saturday. I had a scheduled 2 hour  on Sunday, but a late night on Saturday and torrential rain on Sunday morning convinced me that maybe I needed to recover more - so no run on Sunday!

A weeks total of  three hours easy running. I am aiming at doing a  reverse taper before picking up the training volume for The North Face 100k race in 9 weeks time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Six Foot Track Marathon 2011 - Grey Skies

Race Report - Saturday March12, 2011
The grey skies were a portent.   Thunder and lightening followed by a downpour, greeted our arrival in Katoomba on Friday night for race bib pick at the Carrington Hotel.  For me this year’s race will be memorable for a number of reasons.  Running and especially trail running for me is associated with celebration of life, living, health and the beauty of the natural landscape. Katoomba township, where we were staying for the weekend, felt like the opposite of all of that. Grungy and low at heel with a slight nervous edge to the people I observed while queuing in the local supermarket. Apart from the Carrington Hotel there is little beauty in this town. This perception was reinforced when we learned on race morning that a friend had been assaulted at his accommodation while waking to go and volunteer at the race.   This news further darkened my thoughts about this ugly blot of a town and yet it is surrounded by a natural wonderland that is the Blue Mountains National Park. 

So it is with these thoughts in my mind that I approached the race start area near the Explorers’ Tree. It was warm and humid, surprising for the mountains which are usually a little bit crisper in the early morning.  I approached this race as four stages with the thought that the completion of each stage would give me a mental boost. 

Stage 1: Start to Coxs River (Split 15.5k)
After a bit of nervous chatter with other runners it was time to line up and soon the starter’s gun was fired. It was 7am and the early wave was off, just as it was getting light. The light pretty soon disappeared as we started to head down Nellies Glen. It was wet and slippery from last night’s rain so I took it extra slow. This was not a problem, as the runners behind and in front of me were happy with our progress. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs and the trail opened I ran for a few kilometers with Kerrie from Canberra
We kept speeding up distracted by chatting and getting ahead of one runner who was not happy to talk – at all. I realised that I was being distracted from my set pace so by the time we reached Megalong Road I let Kerrie go at her pace and I settle into my own rhythm down to the river.  
 I had one runner behind me and it was just as well as I soon reached what appeared to be the end of the trail – a fence with a locked gate blocked the path. I could not work out how to get around until Liz, the runner behind me – shouted out – just open the gate. Duhhh-silly me, and this was early in the race, my brain was just not fully engaged.   I let Liz go off down the road as she said she was good on the downhill’s. I was soon on my own again and was struck by how silent the surroundings were. All I could hear was the woosh of the air against my ears as I moved over the track.  Soon I could also hear the flow of the Cox’s river to my right and I knew that stage 1 of the race will soon be ticked and the dreaded ascent of Mini Mini and the Pluviometer hills was to begin. I reached the river right on my target 1hr37min, 6 minutes faster than last year. Pretty pleased with that considering that I was slower getting down Nellies Glen compared to last year. 

Stage 2: Cox’s River to the Pluviometer (Split 10.5k - Distance 26k)
Once I crossed the river I could see some of the early wave starters ahead of me. I knew that for me the first climb of Mini Mini is more difficult than the Pluviometer so I just put my head down and focused on getting it done. Here the sound of the bellbirds was a great distraction from what was ahead and I was anticipating that the race leaders could start passing soon. Conditions were hot right from the start and with the humidity made the climbing harder than I had expected. Others must have been feeling the heat as well because I was soon within reach of two early wave runners ahead of me. The decent down to Alum Creek was muddy and surprisingly still no wave 1 runners coming through. On the first switch back up to Pluvi I looked back down behind me expecting to see the race leaders. My feet were threatening to start cramping and I had what I called my Mini-Mini cramping moments when I first started walking up Mini Mini.  I focused on walking with a purpose keeping my body upright trying to get breathing and striding into a smooth rhythm. Halfway up Pluvi the first wave 1 runner came through, Andrew Lee the ultimate race winner. He called out words of encouragement in reply to my cheers. After what seemed like a long gap the next 2 runners came through about half a kilometre apart. Surprised, as last year I was passed along Alum Creek by the male race leaders. I reached the top of Pluvi in a split time of 1.34 (3hrs11min), 3 minutes quicker than last year.

Stage 3: Pluviometer to Deviation (Split 8.7k – Distance 34.7k)
The dreaded Black Range –what did it have install for me today.  I started to run and whooo hoooo ….no cramping. I could run at relatively controlled pace that I knew I could sustain until the next milestone – the pine forest. I kept telling myself that it will appear before too long. Along here I was passed by a very happy looking, smooth striding lead female, Ana Frost who went on to win the race. It was a boost to have a few runners come by along the range – although everyone seemed to be wrapped up in their own world and few were making any acknowledgement of others.  The breeze along the Black Range was certainly a welcome relief from the sun on the previous section. Not sure where my head was along most of the Black Range but it definitely was not with me along the course as I seem to have little recall of much along here except how fabulous it was to suddenly see the pine trees an realise that soon it would be a sharp turn to the left and then heading home, even though there is still 10ks to go. I also knew that there were a few ugly uphill sections still to be overcome before we crossed Caves Road and headed home. I reached the Deviation in exactly 1hr from the top of Pluvi 3 minutes quicker than last year for this section. Total time 4hrs11min, all up 12 minutes up on last years time.

Stage 4: Deviation to the Finish (Split 10.3k – Distance 45k)
After leaving the deviation I had no trouble running along this section towards the road crossing. I let go of watching time and pace and just focused on staying relaxed. I did not feel that my energy was lagging just excited to have reached this stage feeling relatively good and looking forward to reaching the next milestone the Caves Road crossing. I was being passed sporadically by Wave 1 runners. The front of the race was noticeably spread out compared to last year. I reached the road crossing at 38k in total time of 4hrs35min, 13 minutes quicker than last year.  I was so happy to be on the home stretch now that I could feel myself picking up pace but had to reminded myself that anything could still happen and to save anything I may have left till after Binda cabins and the sweet 4k downhill stretch to the finish line. All was going well till the Garmin died at 5hrs just after I reached the Cabins – same as on the Bogong run. Tried not to get too annoyed, there was nothing I could do about it now.  Cramps were not too far away all along the early part of the downhill run but it was in the final 2k - the ball bearing underfoot stage – that calves and feet completely seized up bringing me to the ground in agony. I forced myself to get up – I had done all this work and I was not about to let my calves ruin the sweet finish. I tried to relax and breathe deep into my legs – seem to sort of work.  I tried different angles to the foot landings to take the load off the calves and some seem to work.   Pretty soon I heard the cow bells and finally reached the sealed section of the final descent to the finish. I let out a loud wooo… hooo… and gunned it down this section.  I did not care about my calves – I made it. No idea of the time as I crossed the finish line on twisted feet inside my shoes. It was only when I turned back after crossing the finish line and I saw the time that I realised that I met the challenge. 
After the Race
Seeing how spread out the leaders of the race were,  I knew that Al was not likely to catch me before the finish. He crossed the finish line in  4hrs47min and then it was a nervous wait to see what Hammer, the dark horse would do having started one hour and 35minutes after me. I was having a shower when the skies opened and I thought of the runners still out there thinking it may actually be a benefit – to cool things down a bit. Al ended up running back out on the trail to call and let us know when he saw Hammer approaching. And before too long Hammer was on the stairs down to the finishing chute, looking lean and comfortable as he crossed the finish line in an amazing 22 minute PB.  

I was so chuffed for him to have finally run an even race where he did not blow up and slow down at the end. That in itself was his biggest achievement on the day.  I keep the bragging rights for another year but boy was I pleased for the great race that Hammer ran.  Who knows… next year? Oops I did say this would be my last 6FT, uhmm… better rethink that.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Six Foot Challenge Is On

Last year I ran the Six Foot Track Marathon in a time of 5.38, Hammer ran 5.48 and our friend Al finished in 4.38 in 2009, having missing out on getting an entry last year. So this year he has issued a prediction and a challenge.  Predicted finishing times are Hammer 5.40, for me 5.20 and Al in 4.15. As I will have an hour and five minute start on Al the challenge for me is not be overtaken by him till the finish line. But Hammer will start an hour an thirty minutes after me, hence the dark horse. It will be a nervous last week before the race. But .....       

Cool Running

Striders North Head 10k - Saturday March 5, 2011
Five days into autumn and the sweltering heat of last months 10k race at Homebush is a dim memory. This morning was cold with overcast skies and a blustery southerly wind hitting the exposed sections of the North Head course. Hammer and I arrived 25 minutes before the start to find the car park was almost full and it looked like a record number of runners for a Striders 10k event. Very busy around the registrations area, with lots of runners milling about and warming up on the road. My plan for the race today was stick to a pace of between 4.40 -4.50 min/k and not get caught up racing anyone else just stick to the Garmin splits and maintain an even pace.  The race start was a little bit congested and I found I was weaving around runners for almost the first kilometre.   Once we were on our way out to the first lap out to the arch on Darley Rd, it opened up a little and I could settle into my own rhythm.  I was fairly comfortable running at 4.40 pace but became a little bit concerned that I may not be able to maintain this pace, so I consciously eased off a little. Went through 5k at 23.30 so an average pace of 4.42 and the second 5k split was 23.42min at an average pace of 4.44 min/k.. Race plan was achieved and it was also one of the few times I did not dread going out on the second lap. Felt comfortable all the way through.  Very happy with the time and a 19sec PB. Hammer ran a blistering 43.36, the quickest 10k he has run in over 2 years. Ohhh… he may be a dark horse on Six Foot Track, now I am nervous. It could cost me year long bragging rights.  

It is the last week of the taper before the Six Foot Track race next week. I ran a total of 48km including a 3k time trial on Tuesday and 12 short sprints on Thursday, 10 k race today and an easy 14k tomorrow. Another glorious calm sunrise on Narrabeen Lake during my local run this week.  

It’s Getting Close Now

Equaliser Trail Race 
Taper Week 2: Sunday February 27, 2011
This race always signals the beginning of Six Foot Training taper and increasing nervousness about the fast approaching race day. I was not going to run this event as I was scheduled to run 2hrs easy. But since Hammer was running it I thought I would do about 20 minutes before and then just set out with the race and take it easy around the track. The plan sort of worked out. Ran a 15 minute warm up and then as the race started, set off at a leisurely chatty pace with the back of the pack runners. About 3ks into the run I found that I was increasing the pace and as we got to the hill climb out to Acron Oval I started overtaking a few people and then I decided that maybe I should try to go a bit harder.  So maybe race after all? Well that lasted till we ducked back onto the trail at about 5k where I decided that I was not going to race after all and runners came by me overtaking on the downhill section. At the last creek crossing before the final 2k climb I had lost focus, I just wanted the run to be over. I picked up pace and was soon overtaking the runners that streamed past me on the preceding downhill to the creek.  So now it was race again. Finished in an OK time of 1hr 23min, not sure if I was pleased, relieved or disappointed. In the end it was a mixture of all three and it was only after talking to a friend later in the day that it made sense. He said something like ‘that if you race- you do it to the best of your ability at the time – otherwise what’s the point. I have run sections of this course at least 20 times over the past 3 months and I realise that I had plenty of opportunities for the social training runs and I was disappointed that I did not give it my best shot at race time or else had run my training run elsewhere. Leave the social runs with others for training runs and when you race, you focus on the race. A lesson learnt - have a plan with what you want to achieve with each run and then stick to it.

The second week of the taper I ran a total of 51k including a hill session (15*150m at 80%) and a 2*2k interval session (8.53 & 8.42). The pain in my chest from the broken rib is slowly getting better and the hand is almost fully healed. Saw the most amazing sunrise at Manly Beach on my was to run the intervals through the week. It was so beautiful I wanted to drown in it.