Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Around Blues

Sunday March 27, 2011 (65 km - 8 weeks to  TNF)
Two weeks after Six Foot Track and my mood matches the weather. Overcast grey skies and torrential rain reflects my overall blues and lack of motivation about the upcoming run. It is making me question if I am really committed to the goal of running The North Face 100k in 8 weeks time.
I read somewhere that each training session contributes 1% to your overall fitness. So in the interest of maintaining and not loosing the fitness I have achieved to date I still managed to get out for a few runs this week. I ran on Tuesday (10k -tempo), Wednesday (9k-hills), Thursday (7k -intervals) and 14ks on the trails around Lindfield on Saturday and 25k on the great North Walk STaR run on Sunday. A weeks total of 65ks and the pace feels like it is coming back as the tiredness leaves my legs. But I just don't feel excited by the upcoming event. Each sunrise that I witness, I am hoping that the blues will lift with the return of  sunny skies. 

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