Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lessons Learnt

 Sunday May 22, 2011 (Gardening :-)
After recovering from the disappointment of the DNF at TNF 2011, I decided to get on top of the problem as quickly as possible. Last week I had two visits to a sports doctor, and MRI scan of the hip and a visit to the physio. Diagnosis is - anterior rotation and upslip of the left side of pelvis, most likely from the fall, resulting in an overextension of the hamstring tendon causing partial thickness tearing and also bruising of the hip and knee bursa. And I thought a bit of sticky tape would hold it together over a 100km. Naive or stupid or both? The Kinesio taping also most likely cause a change in the hamstring muscle activation patterns putting stress on the knee and complete hamstring overload.  
This is the same tendon tearing I had in late 2009, which I dont think really healed despite the PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection.  Since 2009, I have been dealing with the cause of the hamstring tendon overload and up untill the fall have been managing to hold it at bay. So from here I am having sacroiliac joint adjustment and stabilisation work with the physio to be followed with eccentric loading excersises over the next 3 months to stengthen the hamstring tendons. Accompanied by shockwave therapy to the tendon insertion and also giving the nitric oxide patches a try. And I still have the achillies issue to get on top of but I dont want to overload the physio ;-).
The best bit though is that I can start running as soon as I can perform a one leg bridging pose without pain.  In the meantime I am confined to gardening!
And the lesson learnt - dont try anything on race day that you have not tried in training (i.e Kinesio taping) and try not fall over in training. If you do fall over, go to a body mechanic immediately.  Seems so simple in hindsight.

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