Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Memory and Pain

Memory of pain is hard to erase. I am following a modified Pfitzinger program for returning from injury.  Past week I did 5 walk/run sessions and have gradually increased the duration and frequency on each run leg. Longest running session was a 6 by 1km run with a 1km walk in between. On Monday and Tuesday I did 2 by 2km run with a 1km walk in between. 
Sculptures by the Sea - healthy skeletal condyles
But by Tuesday night I began to feel a slight niggle in the knee. Is it real or is a memory of the pain? I have seen too many  images of my  injured knee to not be aware of the impact that running is having.  As a result I can’t tell if the pain is real or imaginary.
Tuesday was the first time since May that I have run in the predawn hours. Although the run was short it was so wonderful to be out and running at my favourite time of day. Working up a sweat and watching the sunrise = bliss.   

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