Absolute highlight of the week would have to be the most glorious sunrise last Wednesday. After a few attempts to take sunrise photos with my proper camera earlier in the week, I finally gave up as most mornings it was pretty blah.. So on Wednesday I just went out for an early morning walk and took my point & shoot camera (just in case). I was about a kilometer from home as it started to get light and I realized that sunrise was going to be something spectacular - just enough cloud to add interest. Magic hour just at sunrise and then it gets light and everything fades. I read a quote somewhere that said something like - the best camera in the world is the one in your hand when shit happens. And so it was on Wednesday.
I still have not decided if I will see a surgeon. Through the past week I convinced myself that the pain in my knee felt much better after a few short walks, so I thought it needed to be tested by trying to run. Nothing major, a few laps of my local beach on Thursday morning. The sunrise on Thursday was another gorgeous orange blob gently emerging over the horizon. No time to savor the sunrise, I was focused on running, I was coming back. The knee felt fine - I was over the moon.
As you can see it doesn't take much these days to fill my cup of happiness. But then I did something silly. Later in the day I was flexing the knee to check that the pain had truly subsided. Each squat felt OK - now I was getting really excited and then - bam out of nowhere the most awful searing pain which brought me to the ground. Painful through the night and to walk on the next day. So maybe I will make that appointment after all.
Searing pain. That's not good. This was a great post till then! When you can take photos like that out of your front door then all is not lost. I hope you can take some at six foot.
Yes I feel incredibly fortunate to live where I do. Making sure I am aware of it is part of my daily gratitude. Looking forward to great weather at 6FT. I will try to get out somewhere on the course during the morning.
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