Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Scavenging in St Ives

Wednesday June 16, 2010 (Hills-12km)
To run or not to run, that is the question? I have not run since Sunday hoping the hip pain and other bruises would settle. But since I was awake at the normal time for a run anyway I thought I would go and test it out. Maybe not to be such a good idea - hip pain was there right from the start and did not let up. But the upside was - I had a lovely time chatting with the running group while we wound our way around the streets of St Ives. And in the pre-dawn dark I saw a perfectly good cane chair put out with the rubbish. Now I normally would not pick up from the kerb side but I have been admiring these chairs in second hand shops and here it was - the universe provided. As we were coming in to the finish of the run the morning mist over Garigal NP as the sun slowly crept up over the horizon looked absolutely stunning. Now that alone was worth getting up for. And the chair - picked it up driving back from the run - that was a bonus.

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