Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Autumn is Here

Sunday April 3, 2011 (70 km - 7 weeks to  TNF)
My running mojo is still AWOL but I keep plugging away waiting for it to return. It just means that running at the moment brings me little joy, but I know I will get over it. Daylight saving finished on the weekend  and my lack of enthusiasms could just be the normal feeling at the end of summer as we descent into autumn.  
This is 7 weeks out from The North Face 100k, I ran a total of 70km over 4 days including  a hilly 10k  on Wednesday, 10 k including 4*1k intervals on Thursday, 25km over 4 hours on the Great North Walk Trail on Saturday and 25km in 2hrs 30min on the Lap of the Lake STaR on Sunday.  

I finished the trail run on Saturday feeling lethargic, lightheaded and nauseous - everything hurt. I could not contemplate eating anything for some time after I stopped. 
Sunrise on Bobbin Head Track
I recovered well enough to run an easy 25k on Sunday. A  glorious trot in my backyard finishing with a lovely breakfast by the beach.   
Glorious autumn sunrise
I do not ever want to take for granted the fact that I can run, as I know how easily it can disappear.  My calves are paying me back for pushing through cramps on the 6 Foot Track. Tightness in the calves I think is causing achilles pain in my right foot after every run. So time to get back to regular routine of stretching and hope it does not develop any further.

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