Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunshine on My Shoulder

Sunday April 10, 2011 (80 km - 6 weeks to TNF)
The light of the sun rays glistened off my sweaty shoulder as I was finishing the last of the hill repeats on Friday and it reminded me of why I love to run  -  it makes me happy. The morning was glorious - the quite, the crispy air and the brilliant sunrise over the ocean made me feel grateful for the priviledge of being fit, healthy and alive.
Bobbin Head Marina in the early morning mist
The North Face 100k race is fast approaching and I have another two weeks to get a few more distance runs in before I start the taper. This week I ran a total of 80ks including a hilly 11k on Wednesday, a 2*2k interval on Thursday,  15*200m hill repeats on Friday, 30k in 4hrs45 min on the Great North Walk trail on Saturday and 20k in 2hr10min on the Striders STaR on Sunday.  The Harbourside Hike is a fantastic run around the harbour front of Sydney's lower north shore. Lots of hills from start to finish which did not seem so bad in Sundays brilliant sunshine and the cool air temperature. Perfect running conditions.
Sunshine reflected off the Hawkesbury sandstone on the Great North Walk trail.
Right achilles is still very painful after each run so a few days rest,  icing and stretching will hopefully settle the pain.  Spent the rest of Sunday watching the ITU World Championship Triathalon in the city. Amazing to see the speed of the bike leg as the competitors descended down Macquarie St towards the Opera House. We left just as the clouds descended and the rain, which was predicted for earlier in the day, finally arrived.

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