Thursday, January 17, 2013

Running Reflection

Thursday January 17, 2013 - Running on sand
I have a running diary for every year since I ran my first marathon, when I decided to run the 2000 Host City Marathon to celebrate  a milestone - 2 year cancer survivor. I was frightened by the disease and I did not have confidence in my ability to cover the distance. I have come a long way since then.  I am now 15 years post-cancer and whilst it is not helpful to look, back I am trying to stay positive an not get despondent about  this new life-changing event.  But it helps to have hope and to have something to aim for. I survived cancer I can survive Dermatomyositis.

I have a secret goal to return to running. Muscle flexibility is returning and I am working on rebuilding strength. Last visit with the specialist in December, she was pleased with the effects of the treatment but finished off by saying - "Take it easy with any exercises you do. You won't be running any marathons soon".  That sounded like a target to me - but I must keep it to myself.

This is how I felt before the IvIg kicked in. 
So with New Year turning a new leaf and all that, I bought a new training diary and I have started clawing my way back by first aiming to rebuild confidence in my body. That means ability to run and to run without falling over, or maybe removing the fear of falling.  Sand running was perfect, if I stumbled and fell  it would  be a soft landing.  Week 4 of the new year and I have worked up to 3km of continuous running, heart rate through the roof and feeling in my lungs is like being scarped by a razor blade. And today - no falls but two near misses.   A dip in the crystal clear ocean when I finished was just perfect. But by the time I got back home, even though it was early in the morning,  the skin on my hands was inflamed.  D'uh  ....I realised that I had forgotten to  put sunscreen on  my hands.

I never thought I would celebrate reaching a milestone like today  - I ran 3km continuously and I did not fall over.  Just have to remember the sunscreen.

So what running was I doing on January 17th for the past 12 years:

2012 - 12km in 1:22 at Bermagui spotted gum forest with Hammer. Ignorance is bliss, although I was painfully aware that something was not right with my muscles.
2011 - Rest day after  30km Pymble pushover the day before. Ugliest 4hrs I have ever suffered, ran on an empty stomach and no refuelling.
2010 - 18km in 2:20 on the Yurebilla trail in Adelaide
2009 - 32km in 3:30 on the new Narrabeen Trail run.
2008 - 14km in 1:15 to Long Reef with Hammer
2007 - 10km in 51:50 to Collaroy
2006 - 25km in 2:25 to Queenscliff return with Hammer
2005 - 20km 1:55 to Dee Why return - ran in the dark on Dee Way beach remember not feeling safe.
2004 - 10km to Collaroy with my old training buddy Phillipa.
2003 - no run
2002 - 5km run with my dog
2001 - no run
2000 - 7km Mona Vale loop (beginning of training for the Host City Marathon on 30 April 2000).

Lots of happy memories revisiting old training logs. Hope that by January 17, 2014 my training diary is full and I am off the sand and back on the road.

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