Saturday January 31, 2009 (Easy 13km)
The sunrise over Bilgola Beach moved me to tears this morning. It was so gloriously beautiful. The sky was pale blue and pink and the ocean was vapourising so much that I could taste salt with every breath. I stood on the headland for ages wanting to fully savour the sadness that was sweeping over me. I shed a tear for the shear beauty of the scene and for those who are no longer with us to witness such glory – particularly James Dean a colleague of Mikes who died over the weekend. He was only 28 and newly married. Then I realised that 99% of the population is probably still not awake to witness this natural beauty. I guess you have to be a morning person.
There was no avoiding the humidity this morning - even at 5.00 am when I headed out for my run. It felt like running in a light sauna. I ran to Newport Beach and back for a hilly 13km. My glutes were sore after yesterday’s run and the tennis ball message. It was a mental struggle to run after the turnaround at Newport. Maybe that was the reason I stopped at Bilgola for so long. Target pace for this run was 5.32 to 5.51 min/km so I am happy with my average pace of 5.45 min/km.
Friday January 30, 2009 (Fartlek – 7km)
Yesterday I was supposed to run a fartlek session but I was tired in the morning after a late night with the Master of Song – Leonard Cohen. Today was again warm and humid at 6.00 am as I headed out the door. I ran to Narrabeen Fire Station and return for a total of 7 km, with 4 km run as a fartlek at an average pace of 4.56 min/km and the rest at 5.30min/km. Left hamstring is as tight as violin strings and feels like it might snap. It hurts while I run and even when I am sitting down. Have to do get back to glute stretches and strengthening. I did some stretches at the end of the run near my local beach lookout – pretty stunning. Early morning light on the beach is always so invigorating and replenishing. Great way to finish a run.
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