Thursday, February 5, 2009

Languid at Long Reef

Thursday, February 05, 2009 (Marathon Pace -14km)

Lan-guid (l ng gw d) adj: inert, lacking vigour, indisposable to exertion, spiritless, apathetic, sluggish, slow moving, weak, lacking grace or quickness of movement. Derived from the French languide, or from Latin languidus.

I was looking for a word that would describe how I was feeling today. Languid captured the feeling perfectly. I am not sure if it is the long spell of warm humid weather, or not enough sleep or could it be too much running in warm weather? I did not run yesterday as my legs were tired, both hamstrings were tight and sore and hips were snapping when I moved. Worried about injury it was easy to talk myself out running on a warm humid morning.

Lacking grace and quickness of movement is exactly how the 14 km at marathon pace felt like today. Late start, meant that I had to run with the sun already high in the sky. It was again very warm and humid. Each day is like groundhog day, all identical. It will end soon enough I want to enjoy it as much as I can. I ran to Long Reef but almost did not make it, stopped at Collaroy and had a long internal debate about whether I should continue or turn around. I pushed through ignoring all internal voices and made it to Long Reef after that there was no choice I had to get home. It all seemed like running uphill today - hard work. Time seems to move more slowly when I run later in the morning especially as I was running against peak hour traffic on Pittwater Road. I was surprised by the overall pace considering what was going on in my head - finished 14km in 1.11 sweat dripping off me and very pleased that it was over.

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