Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kurringai Kalamity

Saturday January 23, 2010 (Trail – 18km)
After a week in Adelaide to see family and watch the Tour Down Under, we arrived home late Friday night. The Hammer and I had the most incredible two days driving through the beautiful landscape of the mid-west of NSW with mallee scrub giving way to the flat, open, treeless plain around Hay then the appearance of greenery around the Weddin Mountains National Park and then the Great Dividing Range into Bathurst - and all in drought and 43 degree heat.
In order to jump straight back into the home routine I decided to run Clare’s Calamity trail training run with the Striders on Saturday morning. In hindsight it was probably not the wisest thing to do as I had very little sleep and no dinner the night before. On top of everything else the temperature was predicted to be in the high 30’s with high fire danger. I was surprised that the park was still open. The trail follows much of the Trailwaker course in the eastern sections of Kurringai Chase National Park.
I knew this was a tough run even when fit so I decided to take a short cut and only ran 18km. Well I ran 11km and wobbled the rest of the way home. It does not help that I am carrying at least 4 extra kilos around my belly and thighs. I am having second thoughts about my ability to get fit in time. My heart rate reaches 65% maximum just tying up my shoelaces before I even start to run. But on the upside the hamstring does not hurt when I run and maybe I just have to buckle down get over the ugly return to fitness phase of training without getting too depressed and giving up or doing too much, too soon.
I took just over 2 hours to do the short version while for the main group, the 32 km run took between 3:15 and 5:20 to complete. A few of the front finishers were in race mode! Great heat acclimatisation training.

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